The number of university students, for instance, may be a good indicator of a city"s vitality, according to some academics. The rankings of college students and postgraduates in China"s major cities in 2021 placed Zhengzhou second only to Guangzhou. In terms of cities with the most colleges and universities in 2022, Zhengzhou is among the top five.曾有学者提出,大学生数量可以体现一座城市的活跃度。在2021年中国主要城市在校大学生数量(包括本专科生及研究生)排行中,郑州排名第二,仅次于广州。在2022年全国各城市高校数量排行中,郑州跻身前五。Zhengzhou is home to many distinctive colleges and universities, drawing students from all over the world. Let"s look at them now.吸引四面八方的学子聚集于此的郑州,特色高校云集,今天就带大家解码郑州特色高校吧!
Zhengzhou University
With its main campus at 100 Science Avenue, Zhengzhou University is renowned for its involvement in the aerospace sector. The manned spaceflight mission Shenzhou 14 was successfully launched in June 2022 using two sets of visors developed by Zhengzhou University: the IVA spacesuit visors worn by astronauts during the launch and a generation of aerospace visors used by astronauts in space operations. Another well-known sight at Zhengzhou University are the cherry blossoms. If the cherry blossoms at Wuhan University are said to be the most stunning in Hubei, then those at Zhengzhou University are the most stunning in Henan. The greatest time to view cherry blossoms at Zhengzhou University is in March, on both sides of the Boyue Corridor.主校区位于郑州市科学大道100号。郑州大学一直积极助力航天事业是远近闻名的。2022年6月神舟十四号发射成功,在此次载人航天飞行任务中,有两套面窗产品为郑州大学研制,一套是发射过程中航天员所穿的舱内服面窗,一套是航天员在太空中进行作业所用的新一代航天面窗。此外,郑大的樱花也是全国闻名。俗话说:“武大樱花甲湖北,郑大樱花甲河南。”每年3月正是到郑州大学泊月长廊两侧赏花的最佳时节。
Information Engineering University
With its campus mainly located in Zhengzhou, Information Engineering University is tasked with developing top-tier information specialists for the modernization of national defense and the armed forces. Additionally, it serves as a national training center for experts in non-general languages, a foreign language training center for PLA personnel going abroad, and a Chinese language center for international military students.校区主要位于郑州,担负着为国防和军队现代化建设培养信息领域高层次专业化人才的重任,也是国家非通用语人才培养基地、全军出国人员外语培训基地、外国军事留学生汉语培训基地。
North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power
As a key specialized university in Henan, North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power is one of the first universities approved to recruit international students, and serves as the principal Chinese university in the BRICS University Network, as designated by the Ministry of Education. In 2021, it was selected to be involved in the "Double First-Class" initiative in Henan Province. With the development of China"s water conservation and hydropower, the University adheres to the preservation and advancement of these fields, as well as contributing to regional economic and social development as part of its own responsibilities.河南省特色骨干大学,是首批具有海外留学生招生资格的高校,也是教育部确定的“金砖国家网络大学”中方高校牵头单位,2021年入选河南省“双一流”学科创建高校。伴随着中国水利水电建设事业而发展壮大,华北水利水电大学坚持水利水电特色之办学传承,以服务国家水利水电事业和区域经济社会发展为己任。
Henan Agricultural University
During the recent 120th anniversary of the university, Henan Agricultural University hosted the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in Agricultural Science and Technology & the High-end Forum on International Engineering Science and Technology Strategy of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. The Forum encouraged Henan to expand its science and technology partnerships with nations along the Belt and Road with a focus on global collaboration in agricultural science and technology.在不久前的120年校庆期间,河南农业大学举办了河南省“一带一路”国际农业科技合作论坛暨中国工程院国际工程科技战略高端论坛等高端学术活动,聚焦国际农业科技合作,推动河南加强与“一带一路”沿线国家的科技合作。
Henan University of Economics and Law
Henan University of Economics and Law is a key specialist university. In addition to its primary focus on economics, management, and law, it also offers courses in literature, science, engineering, art, philosophy, and other fields. It serves as a provincial base for developing excellent legal and engineering professionals.河南省特色骨干大学,以经济学、管理学、法学为主干,兼有文学、理学、工学、艺术学、哲学等学科门类,是省级卓越法律人才培养基地和省级卓越工程师培养基地。
Henan University of Chinese Medicine
Henan University of Chinese Medicine is one of the earliest TCM universities in China. Over the past 60 years, the university has grown from a single subject of TCM to include a coordinated development of medicine, science, management, engineering, humanities, and other disciplines. In Henan Province, it serves as a leader and hub for TCM staff training, scientific research, social services, cultural inheritance and innovation, and international affairs.全国建校较早的高等中医药院校之一,60余年来,学校已由单一的中医药学科发展为医、理、管、工、文等多学科协调发展,是河南省中医药人才培养、科学研究、社会服务、文化传承与创新、国际交流与合作的龙头和中心。
Zhengzhou University of Light Industry
Zhengzhou University of Light Industry was chosen as an international typical university construction unit in Henan Province in 2022. It has developed a collection of key subjects, such as food science and engineering featuring agricultural products processing and food safety, electrical engineering including "smart" manufacturing of electrical equipment, chemical engineering and technology featuring fine chemical manufacturing, and chemical power supply design.2022年入选河南省国际化特色高校建设单位,形成了以农产品加工和食品安全为特色的食品科学与工程、以电气装备智能制造为特色的电气工程、以精细化学品制造和化学电源设计为特色的化学工程与技术等优势特色学科群。